
The Importance of English: 10 Reasons to Learn It.

Why did English become important? It’s easy to see just how important English is around the world. Many international businesses conduct meetings in English, universities teach courses in English and tourists use English as a common language around the world. But how did English become so important? Well it all goes back to the British Empire, which at its peak covered 25% of the earth’s surface. During colonial times, British rulers often obliged the people in those countries to speak English rather than their native language. Although the origins of English as a global language has a complicated past, the language has left an important mark on media, trade and business. If you’re still not sure about whether to learn the language, then check out the reasons below. The importance of English: 10 reasons to learn the language 1. English is a global language English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least unders



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